Friday, January 14, 2005

Donnie Fowler for DNC Chair

I firmly believe in the Democratic Party. I believe in what it stands for. I believe in the core values of liberalism, with pragmatism added for flavor. I see where the Democratic Party is headed. I see the cliff the GOP would have America run over.

But I also think the Democratic Party is paralyzed by the past-based, static-oriented "old-think" of the party leadership, including the DNC. The failure to articulate the progressive vision the Democratic Party holds for this nation has cost America too much to continue. New leadership must be commissioned.

There has been a big debate about how the Democratic Party must realign to win elections in America. More to the left? To the right? Not at all? This discussion is powerless and irrelevant. None of these things will work for the Dems. Position doesn't matter. Connection matters.

President Bush and the GOP Congressional majority didn't get there by having a better position. They got there by connecting to people. Their ideas didn't sway the electorate, their authenticity (or perception thereof) did. Voters don't care about positions, they want to trust those for whom they vote.

There is a candidate for the Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) who sees this, and has a plan to return the trust back to the Democratic Party. Donnie Fowler for Chair of the DNC.

If you want to know what he has to say, you can find it here.

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