Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Support the Troops; Acquiesce to Their Wishes

Watch VideoVets.org

Recently, I heard that three-fourths of troops in Iraq support a timeline for withdrawal; where I heard this I cannot remember exactly. It could have been Frontline, in the America at a Crossroads series; or it could have been on Countdown; or even in the documentary The Ground Truth; I really don't recall, other than I heard it earlier this week.

So I want to support the troops, by advocating for the action that they see as the best option for the future of Iraq.

The link above will take you to VideoVets.org, where vets have videos relating the experience of Iraq through their eyes (hence the name).

I have a son named Garrett, so seeing a guy with the same name struck a chord with me (even if he spells his name strangely). Here is what Garret Reppenhagen has to say:

Garret Reppenhagen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.