Thursday, October 28, 2004

GOTV Update

The IC25 PLT had a meeting last night, with several volunteers in attendance. We discussed the plan for the weekend GOTV, and the schedule for Tuesday. Monday activities are mostly coordinated from the county level, so anyone who wants to get involved in Monday activities, including the Midnight Madness, go to the JCDHQ.

For any GOTV door-knocking or phone banking on Saturday or Sunday, to get a list of target individuals, come to my house at 226 Friendship, and I will give you a list of targets appropriately sized for your available time. Hopefully we will be able to canvass or call everyone on the list. There is already a large precinct turnout for absentee and satellite voting.

Our Precinct Goal is 533 votes from our list of voters and other votes for our candidate. We have also set internal number goals of 633 and 733 votes. Even the super shocker 733 for our precinct is an attainable goal for the election.

Secondly, Karen is our head of Special Ops, as the Ballot Czar. She is chasing down all outstanding ballots for the precinct, so that all requested absentee ballots get returned to the Auditor's office. Karen also wants to remind everyone that failing to return an absentee ballot to the auditor is against the law, so make sure you get your vote in.

We still need Poll Watchers for Tuesday, from 5:00 to 9:00 PM. If you can or would like to assist in this capacity for some or all of that time, please let me know (you can add a comment to any post on the blog; I check for comments every time I post). We will also need people Tuesday for door-knocking (knock-&-drag), phone banking, and other support positions for our efforts. Please let me know if you can help in any way, even if it's watching over kids or making coffee.

Thanks to everyone who is giving to the effort to change the direction of America. It is time for a fresh start.

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